Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pregnant And Pain Lower Belly When I Laugh Can Doctors Catch An Ectopic Pregnancy With An Internal Exam?

Can doctors catch an ectopic pregnancy with an internal exam? - pregnant and pain lower belly when i laugh

I ask because I was ill with a strange, intoxicating feeling in the umbilical such as epidemics in the soil beneath the basin, or any vaginal coughing, laughing, lifting, with the abdominal muscles ... etc. I'm also pretty tender in the lower pelvic area, especially on the left side, but I felt that before the tender by the blockage. I have no pain or alive, especially a nuisance, and no bleeding what-so-ever. Most sites that I looked at me that these pains are normal when they come and go. But it persists for 2 days and now, of course, I fear the worst.

When I received my first prenatal Friday, the doctor told me when I saw in my cervix"Pregnant", and when he said the internal review, that my uterus felt like it was 6 to 7 weeks. I wonder if there will be a tubal pregnancy, the uterus is still expanding at all? Have you taken immediately, or perhaps even a possibility?

I know that's the best idea to go see a doctor about this, but I can not go on until tomorrow afternoon, and I'm looking for some information about me more.


Anonymous said...

Hello! I just had an operation ectopic 4th July. I had six weeks. My symptoms were continuous, brown spots (which a few days before my positive HPT) started to ease cramps and some stitches high that lasted a day.

The only way to diagnose with certainty is an ectopic) by ultrasound and blood tests (or laparoscopic surgery in some cases. In most ectopic hCG levels should not twice every day. For me, I had my HCG five times and only the second study showed a concern. All my other tests seemed to be "normal." The situation was a red flag for me.

I went to the emergency room because my cramps worse, a bit more like menstrual cramps. I was not in excruciating pain, nothing. I called my doctor to make sure that you take Tylenol and asked me to come to the emergency room in the case. It was on this night, the child could see in my tube. Very likely, in six weeks, will not be able to see something in the tube or uterus. But I was only six weeks and my baby was ... in my pipe.An hour later, was prepared for emergency surgery.

My uterus was enlarged and my neck looked good when I went to my first appointment. So yes, your uterus may be enlarged if you have an ectopic pregnancy.

In my humble opinion, I do not think driving and wait until tomorrow to get checked out. Go to this day. If it is ectopic, you must receive immediate medical attention or can be fatal.

I'm sure you're just fine (of ectopic are rare), but not play anything.

Good luck and good luck .....

Anonymous said...

Ectopic pregnancies are usually confirmed by ultrasound. My doctor suggested that my ectopic pregnancy, because, as she felt my uterus after 8 weeks, but she said if that were the case, experience will break hard, almost unbearable pain in my stomach, because that would be there to point. If the pain is moderate, do not worry too much, but you should discuss your concerns with your doctor to call and make an appointment if you sit at ease.

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